Soup Beyond Borders
5:00 PM17:00

Soup Beyond Borders

Please join us and your neighbors on Friday, April 4 from 5:00-7:00 pm in the Coralville Public Library's lower level for a special free community meal. This meal will feature international soups and some sides. Bowls and utensils will be provided, but if you are able to bring your own, we’ll fill it up! Gather for a meal and/or community. The Library will provide entertainment while kicking off this year’s National Library Week.

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Iowa Heartlanders Nonprofit of the Night
7:00 PM19:00

Iowa Heartlanders Nonprofit of the Night

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Who’s ready for some hockey?

The Iowa Heartlanders have selected the Coralville Community Food Pantry as "Nonprofit of the Night" for their game on Friday, March 21! Enjoy an exciting game between the Heartlanders and the Fort Wayne Komets at the Xtream Arena in Coralville. Tickets are $17.50, with a portion of the sales supporting the Food Pantry.

Special thanks to sponsor Mortenson Construction for boosting the donation amount that the Food Pantry will receive!

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Winter Brunch Community Meal
5:00 PM17:00

Winter Brunch Community Meal

Come for a free brunch and stay for the fun! Hosted by Coralville Recreation Center, in partnership with the Coralville Community Food Pantry, the Winter Brunch Community Meal will take place on Friday, December 6, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. Vegan and gluten-free options available. All are welcome. Coralville Parks and Recreation Department will offer snow inspired crafts, festive games, and a photo booth with Snowdrop, Coralville’s very own Snowman. Kids' books provided by Friends of the Library. Glitter tattoos provided by Mariam Girls' Club. Free vaccine provided by Rx4Prevention.

The goal of the meal is to cultivate solidarity within our community by sharing a nourishing meal with our neighbors.

Volunteers are needed to help with tasks such as food preparation, transporting, plating, and serving, as well as venue set up and clean up.  

AGE NOTE: Kitchen help volunteers must be 14 years or older. There is no age requirement for the remainder of the volunteer opportunities--if under 14, volunteer must be supervised by an adult (18+).

If you like to show off your baking skills, share your creation at the meal. Sign up here


La dispensa de alimentos de la comunidad de Coralville se complace en asociarse con nuestros amigos del centro de recreación de Coralville para organizar una comida comunitaria gratuita el viernes el 6 de diciembre de 5:00 p. m. a 7:00 p. m. en el centro de recreación.

El objetivo de la comida es cultivar la solidaridad al dentro de nuestra comunidad compartiendo una comida nutritiva con nuestros vecinos. Todos son bienvenidos, y hay opciones sin carne y sin gluten. Tendres actividades para los ninos con juegos festivos, artes de nieve y fotos con nuestro propio muñeco de nieve "Snowdrop". También hay vacunas gratuitas de Rx4Prevention

Se necesitamos voluntarios para ayudar con tareas como la preparación de alimentos, el transporte, el emplatado y el servicio, así como la instalación y limpieza del lugar.

NOTA DE EDAD: Los voluntarios de ayuda en la cocina deben tener 14 años o más. No hay requisito de edad para el resto de las oportunidades de voluntariado; si es menor de 14 años, el voluntario debe ser supervisado por un adulto (mayor de 18 años).

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5:00 PM17:00

Free Fall Harvest Community Meal

The Coralville Community Food Pantry is excited to partner with our friends at the Coralville Public Library to host a Free Fall Harvest Community Meal on Friday, September 27, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM on the Library's front lawn. All are welcome!

The goal of the meal is to cultivate solidarity within our community by sharing a nourishing meal with our neighbors. We celebrate the abundance of produce after a successful growing season for this meal. The meal will feature an array of colorful dishes showcasing the generous gift of Mother Nature, highlighting the fresh local flavor from garden to table. Vegan and gluten-free options will be available. Bring a blanket or chairs to eat on the lawn; fun activities for all ages and live music serenade your ear as you enjoy the food with your neighbors.

Please bring your own tableware if able to help us reduce waste.

If you would like to show off your baking skills, share your dessert creations at the meal. Please sign up below

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POSTPONED: Make the Besto Pesto!
11:30 AM11:30

POSTPONED: Make the Besto Pesto!

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This event has been postponed due to an unforeseen conflict. Please stay tuned!

Chef Kate with the Coralville Community Food Pantry invites you to join in on a free pesto making demo and tasting event. Learn how to take all of that basil and excess greens from your garden to make the pesto of your dreams. Nut-free and vegan pesto-making methods will also be demonstrated. After the demo, attendees will enjoy a light lunch featuring pesto made during the class. All ages and abilities are welcome!

To sign up, please complete this registration page below. Spots are limited.

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Step Up to the Plate Wiffle Ball Tournament
9:30 AM09:30

Step Up to the Plate Wiffle Ball Tournament

Assemble your all-star squad for the 10th Annual Step Up to the Plate Wiffle Ball tournament on Sunday, July 21 at The Wiffle Ball Field (2449 Linn Grove Rd, Springville). This event is pure fun for all ages and abilities—and it’s a great way to support the Coralville Community Food Pantry.

Recruit 7-12 players and register below. Registration is a minimum donation of $100 per team. Payment will be due the morning of the tournament (please make checks payable to Coralville Community Food Pantry). All teams must have gender balance and include at least two players of differing gender identity.

Each team is guaranteed to play at least 3 games.

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Juneberry Foraging!
3:00 PM15:00

Juneberry Foraging!

The Coralville Community Food Pantry is excited to offer a free foraging event to harvest juneberries, also known as serviceberry, saskatoon, sugarplum in Coralville on Friday, June 7 from 3:00 - 4:30 pm near the Coralville Community Garden and the Coralville Water Facility, Parks, and Transit (900 10th Street).

Please bring basket/bucket/container/cup/bag to hold the berry if you would like to take some home. Wear a hat and sunscreen, bring a bottle of water. We will have ice cream with Juneberry compote to share at the end of the harvest. Juneberries are excellent in pancakes, muffins, jam, smoothies, salad, and anything else you would like to enhance with a wild component. They also freeze very well to be use in the winter when we miss that dose of summer's goodness.

Additional questions? Email

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Spring Ephemerals Foraging Hike
3:00 PM15:00

Spring Ephemerals Foraging Hike

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Coralville Community Food Pantry is excited to offer a free Spring Ephemerals Hike at the Macbride Nature Recreation Area (MNRA) on Thursday, April 11th from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. We will be hiking part of the Field Campus trail to enjoy the Spring ephemerals, fauna and flora, and learn about what's edible in our woodland. If time permits, we will make our way to the spillway for some alone time. Please layer with long pants, short-sleeve shirt with a flannel or hoodie, hat, socks, and sturdy shoes, and bring a water bottle. The hike will be about 3 miles total and is not handicap accessible. Due to limited parking, please carpool when possible.

Please RSVP here:

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5:30 PM17:30

Global Community Meal

Hey neighbors! Please join us for our annual Global Community Meal this Friday, March 22, 2024, at the Coralville Public Library from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. There's still time to sign up to bring a meal - all the information can be found on the event page! There will be flu and COVID-19 vaccines available. Also, the City of Coralville will be bringing a city bus, along with 2 employees fluent in Spanish and French, to answer any questions about the public transit system. Can't wait to see everyone there!

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10:00 AM10:00

Mobile Clinic at the Pantry

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The @UI Mobile Clinic will be visiting the pantry again on Saturday, February 24th from 10 am - 1 pm. They'll be offering the same services as last time, in addition to COVID + flu vaccinations. No appointment needed. Vitals: blood pressure, heart rate

Labs: cholesterol, diabetes (HbA1C) testing

Exercise + nutrition: programming, education

Free eyeglasses for reading

Prescriptions for medication refills

Visit with a doctor

Specialty Services:

Dentistry: specialist in problems of the teeth

COVID + Flu Vaccinations: please sign-up so we bring enough for all!

NO appointment needed!

Just stop by!

If you're looking to get any vaccinations, please complete the short survey so the clinic can bring enough for everyone! You can access the survey here: or through the QR code on the flyer.

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Free Community Meal
5:00 PM17:00

Free Community Meal

The Coralville Community Food Pantry invites all neighbors to join us for a special Free Community Meal in partnership with the Coralville Rec Center on Friday, December 8 from 5-7pm. The menu will showcase Polish comfort food created by Pantry staff member Kate Wolniak-Bujakowska. Desserts will be sourced from neighbors like you (see sign up below)! Vegan and gluten-free options will be made available.

Activities/services at the meal include:

-Free Flu & COVID-19 vaccines provided by RX4Prevention

-Free kids' books provided by the Library Teen Advisory Board and the Friends of the Coralville Public Library

-Free glitter tattoos and games offered by the Mariam Girls' Club

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Vintner's 5k Run
9:00 AM09:00

Vintner's 5k Run

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Walker Homestead, Lubben Vineyards & Wines and Urban Acres are collaborating with Bonnie Hahn, Peg Fraser and Christa Payne of Country Financial to raise money for the Coralville Food Pantry and the North Liberty Community Pantry. All proceeds will be going to the pantries. Each $1 raised can purchase 5 pounds of food, or provide a family with toiletries for a week, or clothe a neighbor in need.

The 5K Vintner’s (run-walk-crawl) is on a groomed course around the Walker Homestead Farm with fire pits and local wine samples along the route to keep you warm, ending in the vineyard and in the barn with a celebration mimosa and farm breakfast.

Registration start times are spread across the morning (limit to a count of 18 every 5 minutes from 10AM to noon) to give ample space to enjoy the morning outing on the farm and at each wine-tasting station with wines from Lubben Vineyards & Wines and Walker Homestead:

1.      White wine station table and fire pit at mile one
2.     Red wine station table and fire pit at mile two
3.     Mimosa and farm breakfast in the vineyard with live music from the Mission Bluegrass Band

We look forward to having fun doing good with all of you on Sunday, October 29, 2023

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Preserve the Taste of Summer 101
3:30 PM15:30

Preserve the Taste of Summer 101

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a free class offered by ISU Extension! More info below:

Preserving your summer bounty is a great way to enjoy home-grown produce year-round. The key is not serving food borne illness, like botulism, with your home preserved foods.

Home food preservation is not difficult but it does require following specific directions exactly, said Sara Sprouse, a human sciences specialist in food and health with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. “Ignoring recommended procedures can result in home canned products that will make you, your family and friends very ill.”

To help Iowans safely preserve foods, Sprouse will lead Preserve the Taste of Summer 101 on Thursday, October 5 from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The class, offered at the Coralville Community Food Pantry, 804 13th Ave., Coralville, is part of the ISU Extension and Outreach Preserve the Taste of Summer program.

“Preserve the Taste of Summer 101 is a general overview course that highlights the key information you need to know to get started preserving food at home,” said Sprouse.

This class will:

  • Discuss four food preservation techniques – pressure canning, hot water bath canning, dehydration and freezing;

  • Provide science-based, reliable, food preservation resources; and

  • Answer your general food preservation questions.

“This information-packed class is helpful for beginner home food preservers as well as for experienced home food preservers interested in staying up-to-date on the current recommendations,” said Sprouse. “Past participants have shared that Preserve the Taste of Summer 101 was informative and fun and that it provided new information to keep them up to date and safe.”

There is no cost to attend thanks to a Growing Together Iowa grant, however, registration is required by Monday, October 2.

For more information and to register, contact Shannon Bielicke at or (319) 337-2145 or Sara Sprouse at or (319) 293-3039.

For Coralville Community Food Pantry questions, contact John Boller at or (319) 337-3663.

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Free Community Meal
5:30 PM17:30

Free Community Meal

The Coralville Community Food Pantry is excited to partner with our friends at the Coralville Public Library to host a free community meal on Friday, September 29 from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM on the Library front lawn. All are welcome!

The goal of the meal is to cultivate solidarity within our community by sharing a nourishing meal with our neighbors, and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival, a traditional annual festival observed in many Asian cultures. The meal will feature traditional Chinese dishes prepared by a team of community chefs—vegan and gluten free options will be available.

Interested in lending a hand? Volunteers are needed to help with tasks such as food preparation, transporting, plating, and serving, as well as venue set up and clean up.  

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Fried Summer Veggie Class
3:30 PM15:30

Fried Summer Veggie Class

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Coralville Community Food Pantry is excited to partner with community chef Major Steen to offer a free demonstration on how to take your summer veggies to the next level through the art of battering and deep frying. Major's recipes are delicious while remaining simple and accessible when it comes to skill level and budget. Spots are limited.

The event will take place in the pantry’s shared commercial kitchen next door at the Methodist Church.

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Family Cooking Class
11:30 AM11:30

Family Cooking Class

  • Coralville Community Food Pantry (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for our first ever family cooking class on Wednesday, August 16 from 11:30-1pm. This free event is open to parents & caretakers who wish to learn how to make a meal together with their loved ones.

There is nothing quite like spending time together in the kitchen preparing meals as a family. It’s something that everyone deserves to experience once in their lifetime. The knowledge passed down from elders to youngsters in a nurturing environment is priceless. It’s where the magic happens. It’s where life skills get developed. It’s where love is strengthened. When we cook together, our guards come down, our tender sides come forth, and our goal is united. We let our taste buds guide us on a beautiful discovery journey of creating a comforting meal we can all enjoy together.

The event will be held in the kitchen next door to the Food Pantry at Coralville United Methodist Church.

Spots are limited, so please sign up today:

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